What’s slim, elastic, tasty as hell, and served al dente? Pasta. This pasta recipe has brought me so much happiness, and many great memories. I once came over to Bob’s place, and he made dinner while I napped. (I can’t remember why I could be so tired!) Waking up to fresh pasta topped with zucchini, beet greens, tomato, herbs, and salmon probably made me love this guy. I can see myself making pasta last fall, alongside my best friend. We downed moscato, and danced while rolling out some beautiful pasta. We enjoyed the wine so much Bob might have had to supervise us. He finished that dish with mushrooms, herbs, and a light cream sauce. Then I can see myself driving over to my mother’s house a few months ago, with fresh pasta and a slowly simmered tomato sauce ready to top with basil. It was penance for moving out and making her miss me.